3 Surprising Facts About Cellulite

While there is no shortage of news, advice and even ‘miracle cures’ for cellulite online, on TV and in magazines, it would seem that we really don’t know all that much about cellulite.
We know what produces cellulite - or the orange-peel effect on your skin. And we know that reducing body fat, improving circulation and having healthier skin can reduce cellulite’s appearance.
But, considering that over 90% of women have cellulite; that it can affect people of average or even below average weights, and there is no way to ‘get rid of cellulite’ it would seem like we still have a lot to learn about it.
Cellulite Facts
Until then, we’ll have to be satisfied with doing everything we can to reduce cellulite as best we can. Part of that is getting a better understanding of cellulite and the following facts might help you do that.
Cellulite is Not Caused by Toxins
May be More Prevalent in Smokers
Too Tight Underwear can make Cellulite Worse
If there is another ‘surprising’ fact about cellulite it is that it is not a simple thing. You can’t brush it away, ‘cure’ it or otherwise get rid of it. but you can do something about it. The massaging action of anti-cellulite Mass & Slim shapewear helps improve your circulation and is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite.