Are You Ready for #CelluliteSaturday?
Considering that it’s not an illness, it isn’t painful and it’s completely normal, cellulite sure does have a bad name. There’s a boom industry around cellulite and its treatment, including diets, creams and seeming endless advice to do things like “banish dreaded cellulite”. Even the word “cellulite” might really be bad for the condition’s reputation. Unlike most other physical conditions, whose names have a basis in science or ancient language, cellulite is an entirely contrived name. Its first use is recorded in the 1920s by a health and beauty spa. In other words, cellulite is a marketing term. Regardless of why it has such a bad reputation, our attitude towards it is what causes much of the stress and anxiety that many people suffer due to cellulite. If somehow we were able to change that negative outlook on cellulite, we might be better able to deal with it.
Welcome to #CelluliteSaturday
Imagine social media sites full of images of women proudly showing off their cellulite every week. #CellulteSaturday is the brainchild of Kenzie Brenna, a Toronto-based actress who decided to do something about the stigma around cellulite.// Starting this past summer, Kenzie regularly posts images of herself, cellulite and all, with the #CelluliteSaturday hashtag in an effort to change the attitude toward cellulite and, in turn, help herself and other women be more accepting of it. Every #CelluliteSaturday post Kenzie shares gets literally thousands of “likes’, the standard form of appreciation on Instagram, and dozens of comments, all of which are invariably positive and/or grateful for the effort. Many include personal stories of dealing with cellulite’s stigma.
// There is nothing wrong with cellulite. Having a healthier attitude towards it will also help you have a healthier attitude toward reducing its appearance. Only then will you stop believing all the unbelievable “miracle cure” claims and make some real progress in managing your cellulite.
1 comment
I am really loving my shorts. I wish you guys made a shirt type. I need something that works on upper arms, upper back love handed and stomach.
Something to think about.