How to Spot the Fake News About Cellulite

1. Poorly Written Articles
We see fake news about cellulite every day, but we weren’t quite ready for an article titled “They Say the Mutilator of the Cellulitis, Apply on Your Buttocks and Thighs and Surprise Yourself with Results”.
The only ‘surprise’ is that anything so poorly written can still be found on the internet. Here’s the first sentence of the article “Cellulite is one of the big problems that generally irritates women and try to eliminate everything.” Huh?!
One serious error this article is the use of the word ‘cellulitis’, which is not cellulite. Instead, according to the Mayo Clinic, cellulitis is a potentially dangerous bacterial skin infection. What would be truly dangerous is if anyone with cellulitis thought that the information in this article was real.
2. Any Articles with Titles that Imply Getting Rid of Cellulite
You can’t get rid of cellulite. Or ‘banish’ it; or ‘eliminate’ it; or ‘blast’ it away, and so on.
One of the worst examples we came across is an article titled “Can this Simple Tool Banish Cellulite?”
Not only does the $90 ‘fasciablaster’ have no effect on your cellulite, the article ends up being a thinly-veiled promotional piece for ‘body guru’ Ashley Black. Ms. Black contends that cellulite is caused by “distortions in our fascia”. She is a self-proclaimed ‘fasciology expert’, but fasciology is not recognized as a ‘thing’ anywhere else. Every reference we found online to fasciology is connected to Ashley Black.
There’s an old adage that can also help you spot the fakery: “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t.” If want to know how to spot a product that isn’t fake, look for one that backs up any claims it makes with the results of independent clinical trials, like The Black Purple’s cellulite-fighting shapewear.0 comments