Cellulite-Free For Summer!

Resolutions Are Made to Be Broken – And Re-Made.
Ok Ladies, Spring is just around the corner – like, literally a couple days away. Have you kept up your New Years’ Resolutions? And what about your “new” resolve to renew your New Years’ Resolutions? It’s only natural to want to commit to all kinds of lifestyle changes once January 1st hits, but TheBlackPurple understands that it is only human nature to want to enjoy life and all the indulgences it affords, despite our best intentions. You have done nothing wrong. You’ve been living your life based on what is happening in it at the time, and sometimes that involves less attention paid to healthy eating and regular exercise. Sometimes the demands placed on you in your daily life do not allow room for the needed dedication to your resolutions… this is NORMAL – and totally acceptable.Take Control of The Time You Have Left.
So what are you going to do NOW? With Spring just days away, and Summer not far behind it, it might seem that time has run out to make any significant change in order to be ready for the warmer seasons. TheBlackPurple is here to tell you that it is NOT TOO LATE. In fact, you have just enough time to start using our anti-cellulite shapewear and slimming products within the recommended usage timeline to see the results you want! Our shapewear for women line does not require any time-consuming application of lotions or creams, no downtime or discomfort while wearing. The only commitment you need to make is 28 days of consecutive wear of any or multiple Lanaform products to get yourself on the path to a righteous new bikini-ready you!
Warmer Weather Will Not Affect The Comfortability of Lanaform.
You might be asking “isn’t it going to be too hot out soon to be wearing these undergarments?” The simple, short answer is NO. Our products are made from breathable, flexible, stretchy viscose bamboo fabric, and on the contrary to the widely-based belief that an extra layer of undergarments will make you overheat – our products in no way raise your body temperature or cause excessive sweating. Our products are also recommended for strenuous physical activity and ideal for wearing under gym clothes, and in no way do they cause elevated body heat – on the contrary, the fabric raises the cutaneous temperature of the skin, which in turn helps to keep the body cool. We know that Spring temperatures can go up and down, never reliably warm or even hot. Why waste the remaining months before bikini season by not taking action? You can easily wear Mass & Slim Shapewear Leggings, slimming shorts or anti-cellulite waist shaper under any spring outfit… and the Cosmetex Leggings are perfect for wearing on their own with any lightweight top to keep cool as the warmer months approach.TheBlackPurple Products Are Affordably Priced to Resolve Your Cellulite Issues.
Your budget and upcoming plans may not allow for any of the other options we’ve listed in our Ways to Combat Cellulite article. Our shapewear is the perfect solution for your last-minute body improvement plan, and affordably priced. Each of our products fall in the $65-$90 price range – and compared to other anti-cellulite solutions, you cannot find a more user-friendly, more effective value. Who has time to apply lotions and creams on cellulite-ridden areas on a daily basis? Wouldn’t you rather just slip into your Mass & Slim easily & quickly on your morning rush out of the house? Wouldn’t you rather look better instantly in your outfits thanks to the immediate slimming effect the Lanaform products have under your clothes?
Lanaform Mass & Slim and Cosmetex Products Have Your Bottom Line in Mind.
The bottom line here is literally about YOUR bottom line. How do you envision your body looking this summer? How do you envision FEELING about your body this summer? TheBlackPurple can deliver the results you want, and the results you DESERVE, in the time frame you want. So what are you waiting for?0 comments